April 9, 2008

Why teaching preteens is so funny.

Posted in Uncategorized at 10:15 am by Karen

A couple of years ago, Travis intercepted this note from between 2 girls.  I found it again the other day.

me + Bond = (heart) (heart) (heart)   forever!!

I (heart) Bond

Linsey = Mrs. Travis Bond

I (heart) Mr. Bond

(Heart) sooooo hot (heart)

Mr. Bond is a hottie i’m so happy hes our new teach so we can look at him all day long (heart)

mmm mmm good!

(heart) o yes I know, what a babe!

SHA-WING!  (heart)

My OOH my sooo GOOD lookin

Today he wore black pants and a blue sweater! soooo hot I wonder whats in store for tomorrow




  1. Lisa R. said,

    oh, Mr. Bond, you’re ever so dreamy!

  2. Angella said,

    I love this. I’m so glad you posted this for the world to see 🙂

  3. mybloggylife said,

    Oh, and you must be so glad to have such a catch 😉

  4. Hillary said,

    Oh my word! Hysterical!!! Those girls must have been so sad to find him attached! LOL. Sooo funny!

  5. Amanda Franks said,

    That is the best teacher moment I’ve ever heard/read. I was giggling through the entire post.

  6. Susie said,

    I love it. Must have been an ego boost for Mr. Bond. I know it would have been for me. Then I probably a little awkward. Sadly I never had a hot teacher so never wrote such a note. LOL.

  7. danka said,

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
    I’m Danica by the way. De-lurking here.
    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  8. Jen said,

    I thought I had already commented on this post … odd.

    Anyway- that’s so funny! I remember that other note that you had on your fridge when I was watching your kids. That one provided a laugh too!

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